33: Komal Jogdand , 34: Ameya Joshi , 35: Ranbeer Kadam , 36: Sonal Kadam , 37: Viraj Kadlag Guide: Prof. Nitin Borse BOUNDARY LAYER Fig. 1: Laminar and Turbulent Flow Introduction: When a real fluid is flowing through a solid object, the particles of fluid tend to adhere to the boundary. This gives rise to no slip condition. This means that the velocity of fluid near the boundary would be same as boundary of object. If the object is stationary then the velocity of fluid flowing near the boundary has zero velocity. As we go further from the boundary condition the velocity of fluid increases which results in variation of velocity which give rise to velocity gradient. Let’s assume the velocity of free stream is U in direction of normal to boundary. This variation of velocity occurs in narrow region near to solid boundary. This narrow region is called the boundary layer. The theory dealing with the study of the bounda...