
32: Sakshi Jadhav, 33: Rishab Jadhav, 45: Ameya Joshi, 46: Ranbeer Kadam, 47: Sonal Kadam Guide: Prof. Rajkumar Bhagat Flywheels A flywheel serves as a reservoir when used in machines, which stores energy during the period when the supply of energy is more than the requirement and releases it during the period when the requirement of energy is less than the supply. For example, the energy developed in the internal combustion engines during expansion or power stroke is much more than the engine load, and no energy is developed during suction, compression, and exhaust strokes in the case of four-stroke engines and during compression in two-stroke engines. It stores the energy when the supply is more than the requirement and releases when the requirement is more than the supply. In machines where the operation is not continuous like punching machines, shearing machines, riveting machines, crushers, etc., the flywheel stores energy from the power source during the greater p...